Common Factors: Goal Consensus
What Are Common Factors?
Common factors are important factors or ingredients that make therapy and the therapist effective based on research.
These factors can be incorporated into any therapeutic treatment approach/model/framework.
Why Goal Consensus is Important
Therapy is a relationship requiring active engagement from both parties. Collaboration is key.
Collaboration can include:
Active participation
Setting goals
Goal consensus/agreement
Completing homework/tasks outside of session
Integrating learning outside of session
Goal consensus/agreement is particularly important.
Goal consensus refers to mutual agreement between therapist and client on what is being worked on in therapy.
If there is not a goal consensus/agreement, treatment can become challenging because the therapist and the client are working on two separate goals and are misaligned.
Of course, there are some people who attend long term, depth oriented therapy for personal development. In these cases, goals are more interpersonal in nature and fluid as this is less focused on symptom reduction and more on exploration of one’s inner world.
What Can Happen If Goal Consensus Is Not Clarified And Understood
Feeling lost/confused/uncertain/aimless in therapy
Lack of hope
Increased despair things will not change and symptoms will not improve
Poorer therapeutic alliance
Decreased client motivation
Decreased treatment outcomes
Unrealistic therapeutic expectations
And more
Questions To Reflect On
How do I inquire what a client’s goals are?
Are the client and I on the same page and have mutual understanding about their goals?
Are the client and I on the same page and have mutual understanding about how to achieve/work toward their goals?
How do I collaborate with my client in therapy?
How do I discuss collaboration with my client in therapy?
How do I set the expectation that collaboration is essential toward therapeutic effectiveness?
How do I work with clients and reply to clients who misunderstand that therapy is not a 1 way relationship, but 2 way relationship?
How do I provide psychoeducation on goal consensus?
What’s my 1-2 sentence elevator pitch on goal consensus?
Statements And Questions You Can Try Out
What are your goals for therapy?
What are your best hopes from attending therapy?
What do you hope to achieve in therapy?
How do you want to feel after meeting your goals?
On the other side of therapy, what would healing look like?
How open are you to working together toward achieving your goals?
For therapy to work and be effective, I really need your help and buy in. Are you open to this?
So to clarify, in your own words, you want to (insert client’s words around their goals)…Is this right? If not, what would you edit or clarify?
Do you have any questions for me after explaining how we will work toward your goals?
Has everything I’ve said made sense to you? Or should I clarify anything?