Working With Protectors & Client Resistance
Resistance & Protection
“The best resistance is the one you do not see”
There’s nothing wrong with resistance or protectors
We are all resistant in some manner because we want to protect ourselves
We are all resistant and ambivalanet to change
Change is hard
Change is scary
Change is painful
Change requires work
Change requires practice
Change requires consistency
Triggers anxiety and reluctance
“Can things be different?”
Easier to stay the same
And more
Human Beings are Hard-Wired To Avoid Pain
Pain is very unpleasant
Of course, we will automatically avoid pain through various methods like distraction, fantasizing, self deception, denial, etc.
Cycle of Change
Change occurs on a continuum
Pre-contemplation, contemplation, preparation, action, maintenance, relapse
We will expectedly regress and relapse
Examples of Resistance & Defenses
Mandated. Those sent to therapy against their will
“I don’t want to be here”
Absent clients or those consistently late
“I’m not coming back to see you”
Silent clients or won’t talk
“I have nothing to discuss”
“This is all X’s fault”
Self critical clients
“I can’t do anything right”
Critical clients
“You can’t do anything right”
People pleasers
“Everything is great”
“What do you need?”
Uncertainty or vagueness
“I’m not sure”
“I don’t know”
High expectations
Expects X of you as the therapist
Expects you to solve their problems for them
And more
Client criticism
Client judgement
Identifying the client with their resistance or methods of protection
“You’re avoidant” vs. “Do you see how you push me away when I try to ask you questions and get to know you?”
Assuming and mind reading what the client is experiencing
Going too fast and pushing through despite the client wanting to slow down
And more
How Do I Work With Client Resistance/Protection?
Can be used in therapy toward change and client’s goals
Pointing it out/stating the truth or reality vs. ignoring what’s occurring in the therapy room
Understanding form and function of protectors/resistance (adaptive coping)
Understand that this is a way into how to help the client if we slow down and practice curiosity. Resistance/protection can be an expression of help seeking for unmet needs/wants
Outlining the pros and cons
Ask for permission vs. assuming
Validation vs judgement
Compassion vs. criticism
Refer out for speciality care and/or collaborative care if issues are beyond your expertise and skill set
And more