Intention Setting & Having Goals In Therapy
What one intends to do or bring about
A determination to act in a certain way : RESOLVE
IMPORT, SIGNIFICANCE. A process or manner of healing of incised wounds
The end toward which effort is directed : AIM
Goals are specific, measurable objectives that provide direction and structure to our actions, while intentions are the underlying purpose and motivation behind those actions.
By combining the power of intention with well-defined goals, we can create a harmonious and effective approach to achieving our aspirations.
Examples of a goal could include:
To reduce symptoms of anxiety
To reduce symptoms of depression
To better learn how to manage a mental health condition (e.g. Bipolar, Depression, Anxiety, PTSD, OCD, ADHD)
To fight less with my spouse through learning assertive communication skills and healthy boundaries
Wanting to be more in touch with my body
Increasing my tolerance for discomfort
Interrupt patterns of self sabotage
Understand why I do what I do
Heal from the impacts of trauma, grief, and loss
Learn how to manage my traumatic triggers and flashbacks
Learn how to manage stress, anxiety, panic, and overwhelm
Learn how to be kinder to myself and practice self compassion.
Become more aware, name, express, and feel my emotions
Learn how to manage overwhelming thoughts and emotions
Have a more intimate, strong, and robust relationship with myself and others
Become more comfortable with vulnerability
Learn to ask for what I need and when I need help.
Learn direct and assertive communication
Learn healthy and flexible boundaries
Work through feelings of shame and guilt.
Increase my sense of Self (confidence, esteem, acceptance, love, compassion).
Find more meaning and value in my life
Examples of an intention could include:
Feeling more at ease
Practicing more compassion for myself
Practicing more compassion for others
To be more kind
To be more open
To be more grateful
Letting go
To really listen (active listening)
To slow down
To go with the flow
To observe my emotions
To practice more curiosity
To be more mindful
To be more present
To accept goodness