Therapy Fees & Policies
Online therapy in washington state & CALIFORNIA
Therapy Fees
I do not accept or work with insurance or EAP companies directly. This is why.
I have a 24-hour cancellation policy.
I also offer case consultation and supervision for therapists and workshops for organizations. You can find fees for those services on their respective pages.
Click here for referrals to lower fee ($15 - $100), pro bono (free), and insurance based therapists.
First Session
I’ll ask you questions to learn more about you, your concerns, life history, offering my initial observations, and providing you a preliminary treatment plan on what could help.
Ongoing Sessions
Shorter sessions for those who don’t need a full hour.
Common session length for those seeking supportive therapy using a solution-focused and more cognitive therapy.
Ongoing Sessions
Longer sessions for couples/dyad work, trauma processing, deeper exploration, somatic work, and IFS sessions.
Common session length for most clients seeking relational, attachment, experiential, and process-oriented therapy.
Extended Sessions
Extended sessions are also available at:
90-minutes/1.5 hours ($400)
120-minutes/2 hours ($540)
180-minutes/3 hours ($800)
This can be a one time session or spread over several days, weeks, or several months.
Extended sessions might a good fit for those who:
Time Constraints: Are busy and cannot commit to regular ongoing weekly or every two week sessions
Focused Work: Want to work on one single issue/topic/concern
Specific Modalities: Want to utilize Internal Family Systems (IFS) and/or Somatic Experiencing (SE) modalities at a longer session length
Adjunct Work: Have a current therapist, but their current therapist does not offer SE or IFS, and want to work on a topic/issue/concern in depth their current therapist has been exploring using SE or IFS
Short-Term: Are seeking treatment for 1-3 months at most
Limitations Of Practice
I offer outpatient psychotherapy, consultation, and educational services only.
At most, we will meet once a week. There are other services that can offer you more support and can meet with you more than once a week.
I am not a crisis intervention resource and do not provide 24-hour emergency call coverage.
Adjusted Fees & Vouchers
Access to mental health is important regardless of ability to pay. Thus, I balance a mix of full fee self pay, reduced fee, and pro bono clients.
You can email me to discuss reduced fee options.
Reduced fee slots are short-term and will be regularly discussed/re-evaluated every 5-6 months to see if your financial situation has changed so I can offer this slot to another person and increase my offerings to a wide range of individuals.
Reduced Fees: 1 slot available beginning March 2025. I reserve 7-8 slots for those who cannot afford my full fee ($110 for 45-minutes, $160 for 60-minutes and $210 per 90-minutes). Click here to find low-cost/reduced fee therapists ($15 - $120).
Open Path: No slots available. I reserve 2-3 slots at $60 - $80 for those cannot afford market rates for therapy, lack adequate mental health insurance coverage. Click here to find therapists who offer $40 - $70 sessions via Open Path.
Pro Bono Therapy: No slots available. I offer 1-2 pro bono slots for former foster care youth, refugees, and survivors of crime. Click here for therapists who offer pro-bono therapy.
Vouchers: I accept vouchers from Washington Therapy Fund & Asian Mental Health Lotus Fund. Click here for mental health scholarships/funding for those holding minoritized identities.
Referrals: Click here for a list of lower fee ($15 - $100), pro bono (free), and insurance based therapists.
I do not accept or work with insurance or EAP companies directly, but can provide a monthly receipt for you submit to insurance if you have out-of-network (OON) benefits.
If you have Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) insurance that offers OON benefits, you may receive 20-60% reimbursement after meeting your deductible (not guaranteed).
Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) plans do not offer OON benefits.
It is your responsibility to verify your insurance benefits.
The best way to find out your specific plan benefits is to reach out to a customer service agent in writing. Click here to find out how to do so.
Good Faith Estimate
Beginning January 1, 2022, federal law requires health care practitioners to provide current and potential clients who don’t have insurance or who are not using insurance a “Good Faith Estimate” (GFE) on the cost of treatment.
This new law is designed to provide transparency to clients regarding their expected medical expenses and to protect them from surprises when they receive their medical bills.
You may prefer finding a therapist who accepts insurance rather than paying cash/out of pocket.
Begin Therapy
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Click below to find out next steps.