Reflective Questions For Associate Therapists in Supervision
How do I think therapists gain confidence and competence?
What do I believe are the core effective components of therapy?
How do I view client change/growth/heal? How do I think people change?
How have I changed/grown/healed in my own life? Through relationships? Therapy? If therapy, what sort of therapy?
What are my areas of growth?
What’s are the challenges/barriers I’m experiencing right now?
How will these challenges/barrier impact my professional work? Will they?
What are my inherent personal strengths?
How have I gotten through previous obstacles and challenges?
What do I offer my clients?
What are my short term goals as a therapist?
What are my long term goals as a therapist?
When will I re-evalaute and re-assess my goals?
How will I re-evalaute and re-assess my goals?
How will I measure growth/change/healing for my clients?
How will I measure growth/change/healing for myself professionally?
How will I measure growth/change/healing for myself personally?
What does healing mean to me? What does it look like?
Behavioral change (e.g. decrease avoidance, increasing asking for help)
Emotional change (e.g. increased access to my feelings, decreased acting out when I feel emotionally overwhelmed)
Psychological change (e.g. increased cognitive flexibility, more ability to manage personal triggers)
And more
What are my personal values? Who and what matters most to me?
Consider completing an ACT Values Sort or another activity to narrow down 5-10 personal values
Complete this activity every so often to see if it changes or stays the same