Common Therapist Scams
Scam #1
“Thank you for the email. I am seeking one-on-one therapy sessions for
my daughter, she will wear a Mask and Gloves for the time that you are
together or meeting via Telehealth, Zoom video/virtual sessions any of
it convenient for you.
I got your name while searching through your location for a private therapist, my daughter is coming to your area,
she will be in the area and available for therapy for 4 weeks or more
and i will like to know if you can help her in one-on-one sessions.
Her name is J, she is 19 years old, i have someone that will
always picks her up from home stay and drops her off for her sessions
and take her back to the home stay. So kindly let me know your charges
cost per hour session in order for me to arrange for her payment
before she travels down to your area soon, not on insurance,
private/self-pay only(out of pocket).
She will be available for 4
weeks or more, she will be available at any times/days schedules for
the practice starting from Feb 15th, 2022. You can take her on any day
at your own convenient for 60 minutes session a day, 2 time per week
for 4 weeks. You can just take her at your convenient schedule. I hope
to read back from you soon.
Thank you,
Scam #2
"Hi [My name]
I hope this message will find you well.
I am going to be mentioning [My practice] on ABC & NBC news within the next 7 days.
I need to confirm some details about your private practice.
Please let me know you got this email so we can continue.
[His name]"
Scam #3
False WA SOS registration renewal form. The WA SOS address is not 300 Lenora Street.
Read more here.