Ways I Try To Decolonize My Therapy Practice & Healing
Decolonizing therapy is an approach and process toward healing from the dehumanizing effects of colonization, imperialism, state-sanctioned violence, and systemic oppression.
3 Stages & Phases of Trauma Recovery & Therapy
The recovery process may be conceptualized in three stages: establishing safety, retelling the story of the traumatic event, and post traumatic growth.
Unresolved Trauma and its Impacts on Relationships
Our early experiences impact our ability to form healthy interpersonal relationships with not just others, but with ourselves. Essentially, attachment trauma impacts our ability to feel safe with others and ourselves.
Feeling Emotionally Drained After Therapy: 4 Tips To Manage Your Therapy Hangover
Therapy is hard work, especially when we unpack stories and experiences we’ve suppressed for years. Sometimes, you leave a session feeling extra tired, disoriented, and uncomfortable.
How To Heal Avoidant Attachment Style
Learn how to heal from an avoidant attachment style and develop healthier relationships. Explore strategies and practices to overcome fear of intimacy, build trust, and cultivate a secure attachment style for a happier and more fulfilling life.
What Is Trauma’s Fawn Response (People Pleasing & Appeasing)
Fawning is a response or reaction to trauma where the goal is to please others and be others focused. Trauma is an experience or circumstance that overwhelms our bodies, brains, and nervous system because of the possibility of death, violence, loss, and more.
Affirmations For Childhood Trauma
Affirmations can be one way to re-parent or give ourselves love that we may not have received from our caregivers.
What Is The Inner Child?
The inner child is your younger self as a child. This part of you is the unvarnished, innocent, open, trusting, tender, and loving version of you before you grew older and became exposed to the perils of live and living.
Therapy For Men’s Issues
Men live under a code of masculinity that expects them to be: dominant, aggressive, high achieving, competitive, self-sufficient, adventure seeking, willing to take risks and emotionally restricted. Living up to these expectations can have a toll on emotional and personal well-being.
Signs Of Codependency and Counter-Dependency
While there has been much discussion around codependency, less is discussed around counter-dependency.